Talk To Astrologers

Get Personalized Insights and Guidance Anytime!

Acharya Mishra Ji

Exp: 4 Years


10040 /Min

Hindi, English

Vedic, Tarot

Pandit Umesh

Exp: 25 Years


10040 /Min

English, Hindi

Vedic, Tarot

Astro Subham

Exp: 25 Years



English, Hindi

Vedic, Tarot

Akash kumar

Exp: 15 Years



English, Hindi

Vedic, Tarot

Most Popular
Pandit Sunil

Exp: 19 Years


10070 /Min


Vedic, KP

Astro Rani

Exp: 4 Years


10040 /Min

English, Hindi


Astro Sunita

Exp: 8 Years


10040 /Min

English, Hindi

Vedic, KP

Pandit Praveen

Exp: 8 Years


10040 /Min

English, Hindi

Vedic, Vastu

Acharaya Devesh

Exp: 22 Years


10040 /Min

English, Hindi

Vedic, KP

Astro Ashish

Exp: 22 Years


10040 /Min

English, Hindi

Vedic, KP

Astro Garima

Exp: 5 Years


10040 /Min


Vedic, Tarot

Pandit Jyoti

Exp: Years


10040 /Min


Vedic, Tarot

Astro Amarjeet

Exp: Years


10040 /Min

Hindi, English

Vedic, Tarot

Talk To Astrologer Online

Talk to astrologer” is one of the most highly used and loved features of Astromedik. With thousands of users utilizing the feature of Talk to Astrologer, we have become one of the leading brands that bestow proactive knowledge and enable our customers to do all the Astro talk they require with the finest astrologers from all over the world.

Talking has been scientifically proven to help people through various issues such as emotional instability and mental exhaustion. Talking to professionals about your worries related to a wide array of topics such as marriage, family, career, and business will definitely help you in a phenomenal manner. The astrology experts at Astromedik are well versed in multiple languages for satisfying customers from rural and urban areas, language should not be a barrier when looking for astrology services such as “ talk to astrologer”.

Astromedik has numerous astrologers registered, which enables you to pick the expert you want based on experience and field of expertise. Astrologers on Astromedik have been helping people out in numerous fields such as numerology, tarot reading, and spiritual healing. Astromedik acts as the platform, which makes astrologers available even for people living in foreign lands.

People with true belief in the science of astrology, often struggle to find credible sources to obtain insights and astrology-related services. Astromedik has empowered people all over the globe by giving them access to all the Astro talk they need to do and get meaningful insights related to thor life with the reference of zodiac signs, kundali, and the current positions of the mighty celestial bodies. Astrological examination: The astrologers will scrutinise the birth chart of the user, studying different astrological factors such as positions and transits of planets. Elaborate disclosure: Users can expect comprehensive revelations from astrologers on what makes them strong or weak— what opportunities lie ahead and challenges to brace for based on your birth chart.

Questioning for enlightenment: Users are allowed to ask questions that would be answered by the astrologers. This way, a better understanding is gained about their astrological profile. Holistic wellness: The “TALK TO ASTROLOGER“ feature can help users achieve a deeper understanding of their inner workings, emotions, and behaviours; this leads to a more holistic approach to wellness. Personalised guidance: Through the provision of personalized insights and guidance, individuals are empowered to make informed decisions not only about their lives or relationships but also about their careers and overall well-being.

Enhanced self-consciousness is a powerful tool in the user‘s hands for better perception of their strengths and weaknesses, thus helping them achieve personal growth through heightened self-awareness. Likewise, understanding one‘s emotional state through such consultations and reports can lead to stress-free living by reducing stress and anxiety levels. In terms of career development, discovering possible career directions based on astrology and hence enjoying work satisfaction can be another outcome of using this feature. Give Wings to Your Astrology Career

Talk to the fine astrologers operating through Astromedik and get refined solutions and insights about your Kundali, rashifal, panchang, or about your horoscope. No matter whether you are a Leo or an Aquarius, Astromedik understands the celestial alignment to get you the answers you need to become a better decision-maker for your life.

Talk With Astrologer Kundli FAQ‘s

You will interact with an astrologer through calls or instant messaging with the help of the website. They will review your janam kundali and answer questions that you may have about aspects of your life through astrology. The astrologers charge a fee for providing consultancy and this fee is deducted from your wallet when you use the talk to astrologer feature.

The length of the session solely depends on you. The amount of information you want to gain and the number of problems you want to discuss with astrologers determines the length of all the sessions.

The main areas of focus include relationship issues, work and careers, personal development issues, finance, and life goals. The astrologers analyse your problems and situations in depth and then use the knowledge of Vedic astrology to give you the required solutions.

Of course, all sessions are completely confidential and you are the only one attending each session. Any of the personal information and discussions will not be disclosed to anyone.

Our astrologers are educated and experienced personnel in the field of astrology and different specializations.

If the follow-ups are extensive you will get the opportunity to connect with the same astrologer again through the talk to astrologer feature. Make sure to keep enough balance in your wallets so that the session does not end abruptly and you get the solutions to all your trouble.