Daily Panchang


Sunrise Time


Moonrise Time

Inauspicious Timings
(Ashubha Muhurat)
EventFrom - To
Rahu Kaal
Gulika Kaal
Yamaganda Kaal
Hora Muhurta
Mercury6:1 : 7:1
Moon7:1 : 8:1
Saturn8:1 : 9:1
Jupiter9:1 : 10:1
Mars10:1 : 11:1
Sun11:1 : 12:1
Venus12:1 : 13:1
Mercury13:1 : 14:1
Moon14:1 : 15:1
Saturn15:1 : 16:1
Mars16:1 : 17:1
Moon Rice
Vedic Sunrise
Vedic Sunset
Tithi Special
Tithi Summary
Nakshatra Number
Nakshatra Name
Nakshatra Ruler
Nakshatra Special
Vikram Samvat
Shaka Samvat
Shaka Samvat Name

Today Panchang- Aaj Ka Panchang 

One of the most sought-after concepts of Vedic astrology is aaj ka panchang or today panchang, the feature of panchangam is based on the Hindu calendar. The widespread use of Western culture and systems have made it difficult for the people for people interested in the science of astrology to access today panchang, which is used to find out auspicious dates and tithis. Panchang 2024 is a complex and intricate system of astrology and is deeply rooted in Hindu culture and tradition, aaj ka panchang feature by Astromedik makes this complex feature easy to understand. It is essentially a calendar that provides detailed information about the astrological positions of the planets and their effect on human affairs at a micro level. It is used to predict future happenings, find auspicious times for important events that are in harmony with the planetary position and make sense of the subtle aspects involved in human behavior.
A system based on the belief that planetary position and their relationships have a profound impact on human affairs is Vedic astrology. The aaj ka Panchang or today panchang factors in these planetary position including the sun, moon, seven visible planets, and nodes of the moon and sun. With this information, the Panchang 2024 creates an astrological day planner that delineates important events throughout the day: sunrise and sunset timings, along with other planetary details and lunar cycle phase details.

Free Kundli FAQ‘s

A Panchang (or Panchanga) is a Hindu calendar that includes information about: Tithi (lunar day) Vara (day of the week) Nakshatra (lunar constellation) Yoga (a specific combination of planetary positions) Karana (half of a tithi)

Each component has its own significance in Hindu rituals: Tithi: It indicates the phase of the moon. It’s crucial for determining auspicious days for ceremonies. Vara: The day of the week (like Monday, Tuesday, etc.). Each day is associated with a planet and deity, affecting the day’s auspiciousness. Nakshatra: The 27 constellations in the sky. Each Nakshatra has its own qualities and influences on human behavior. Yoga: The specific combination of the Sun and Moon’s positions. Certain Yogas are considered more favorable for specific actions. Karana: It’s half of a tithi. There are 11 Karanas, and they help determine the best times for activities.

The Panchang helps people determine the most auspicious times for: Marriage, rituals, and festivals: Certain dates and times are believed to bring more positive energy and blessings. Travel and business: Some periods are thought to be better for beginning new ventures or journeys. Fasting and prayers: Panchang can guide when to observe fasts or perform prayers, based on the day, tithi, or Nakshatra.

Muhurat is an auspicious time window, considered ideal for performing important tasks like marriage, starting a business, or buying property. The Panchang helps in determining the best Muhurat.

The positions of the Moon and the Sun are carefully calculated. The Panchang is based on: Lunar calendar: Tithi and Nakshatra depend on the Moon's movement. Solar calendar: It also takes into account the position of the Sun for the timing of certain rituals and festivals.

These are two primary Hindu calendars used in India: Vikram Samvat: This is a historical calendar, which is widely used in North India. Shaka Samvat: This is the official calendar used by the Indian government and is common in South India.

Brahma Muhurat: About 1.5 hours before sunrise; considered the best time for meditation, yoga, and study. Abhijit Muhurat: It occurs around midday and is considered highly auspicious for starting new ventures. Rahu Kalam: The period of Rahu (about 90 minutes) considered inauspicious for beginning new work. It is usually avoided for important tasks. Yamgand: Another inauspicious time period similar to Rahu Kalam.

Nakshatras influence various aspects of human life and daily activities. Each Nakshatra governs different qualities, and knowing which Nakshatra the Moon is in helps people plan activities like: Marriage: Some Nakshatras are more auspicious for marriage. Naming ceremony: It is also used to pick the first letter for naming children based on the Nakshatra in which they were born.

To determine the best time for any event, you need to consider:Tithi: Make sure it's a favorable tithi for the event.Nakshatra: Check whether the Nakshatra is good for the type of activity you’re planning.Vara: Certain days (like Wednesday for business or Monday for starting a spiritual journey) are considered more auspicious.